
Saturday 10 July 2021


The great thing about keeping a blog going over a period of years is that it's there whenever you need to check something you think you might have written about already. Something that no one else might have bothered with. Certainly, no one - save me, and a few others - were daring to suggest that all those victims of Jimmy Savile might actually NOT BE ! In my case it was a gut-feeling that bothered me, call it my inner voice if you will. Something was NOT right about this, and that feeling just hasn't let me go. 

I started out seeking Justice For Jimmy Savile, but it's gone beyond that. For the Police (and others) back in November 2012, it had already gone beyond Savile. Indeed, I and a few others began to believe that none of it was about Savile to begin with. If it had been, surely they'd have actually investigated the claims ? No ! It was - straight to a guilty verdict for the dead, and a trawl amongst the living and the dead. The older, frailer and deader - the better !

So, here I am eight years after I began this blog, thinking about victims. Not those people described thus, by Policemen, who - haven't even bothered to establish, whether any claimed incident might have even have taken place, but the likes of Lady Lavinia Nourse who now has to live - not only with the knowledge of the ghastly things she was accused of, but also the fact that her accuser -  has gotten away with his evil deed ! Such injustice beggars belief, doesn't it ? Where's what some of us used to refer to as the concept of natural justice ? Presumably languishing in the same cell as the right to the presumption of innocence !

A victim who had to endure headlines such as these, before she was eventually cleared by a jury. How does anyone cope with this crap ?

I almost want to apologise for publishing the above. But, to not publish and comment on such testimony, would be aiding and abetting a crime that was repeatedly every time such utterances were and are made, against an innocent person, be they a Lady or a tramp !

“What’s been said, what’s been written will live with me forever. And yet the person who has made these accusations walks free, and can continue to say whatever he likes for the rest of his life,” she said.

I don't care who you are. You are entitled to protection from malicious people be their crimes verbal, physical or psychological ! The very least that should now happen is that her accuser be named. No - ifs, but's or why's. Fairness and Natural Justice demand this, and when nature is ignored it fights back, sooner or later.

You see - we are ALL OF US victims when such crimes are exposed, then ignored as though nothing had happened. The Police know they are victimising all of us They cannot be as dense as to think that subjecting the innocent to injustice and then compounding that injustice by not punishing those responsible, earns respect. But who punishes them when they do not ? Nobody, by the looks of it !

What a cesspit these people inhabit ! They know it, we know it and the press - when they're allowed to publish something challenging the malfeasance, know it too !

They press knew in 2017 that those who accused the late Edward Heath, were submitting compensation claims before the Police investigation had even been concluded.

 They had to have suspected the same about the Savile compensation compensation claims, hadn't they ? Whether they did or didn't, the Judiciary saw to it that Savile claimants would be paid. They even set up a 'scheme' specifically for the purpose. One that provided little or no checks into the claimants or their stories. One that pushed Natural Justice almost to breaking point, by threatening the token few scrutineer's of the claims, with prosecution should they dare discuss the claims allotted to them with another person doing exactly the same thing, rather - trying too !

The Savile thing was a crock of shit wasn't it ?

I tweeted those words a few days ago, and a fair few people agreed with me !

My blogs will continue, until Natural Justice is restored in this country. I'm not holding my breath but I'm optimistic ! 

Onwards !


Friday 9 July 2021

"Because you're innocent, Jimmy"

 Hello again. No I haven't given up on this. I have other things to do, but - now and again, something interesting either happens, or comes my way, and what happened a few days ago, actually blew me away. 

Basically, I was contacted by someone a complete stranger, who'd seen my blog and asked me if I had any clips of Pans People's attendance on Clunk Click the BBC's precursor to Jim'll Fix it.

To cut a not long story short, I managed to dig out the recordings I have and - after some consideration - wondering whether if I should share even respond to the request, I decided - why not ? What harm could be done ? If anything, It would make someone happy, so why not ? Wasn't that what those TV shows were all about ?

So, off went a few clips from the show, after which I removed the disc so I could watch Dance with a Stranger again. There was nothing on TV and I needed a good film.

The person who received the clips was so happy, I decided I'd send more of the footage. I wanted to do as good a job possible, and make sure the clips joined together ( I had sent them in one minute or so bits, because I thought the uploading of 3 or 4 minutes would either - take forever or not send at all !

So - in goes the disc and what the first words I hear is "you're innocent, Jimmy" Not believing my ears, I scrolled back a few seconds, because the disc had started at the exact point I'd last viewed it at, and I wasn't expecting that to happen. I must have stopped the recording on my phone before pausing the video, if that makes sense !

Anyway - the Pans People fan was going to have to wait for those next few clips, while I took in what had just happened. What are the chances of any of this folks ?

1) Someone quite out of the blue, asking if I even had any clips of that show, then me actually being willing to send them ? 

2) The disc starting at that moment ? Of course, this might be perfectly normal in recordings made privately. Normal discs only resume so long as you don't remove them from the player, but I'll not go there, the important thing is the dialogue. Yes, it was probably scripted, but what cannot be scripted is a person's non-verbal behaviour, and let me tell you, those ladies looked pretty relaxed and OK with their host, to me ! 

Here's the dialogue. I've posted this clip to my twitter account, so you can view it here :

"Because you're innocent, Jimmy" 

Was Jimmy more surprised than me, I wonder ?

Jimmy also mentions that it's three days after Valentine's Day. Clunk Click was broadcast on a Saturday night. The nearest applicable Saturday in 1974 would have been the 23rd February. Someone remind me when this episode actually aired. I've looked on the Radio Times Genome but I don't see any mention of PP as guests. I'll leave that with you guys to sort out !

Onwards !