
Thursday 5 September 2019

WHO evidenced Beech's CICA claim ?

I've been contemplating several different blog posts since completing my last. You see I can't leave the subject of Carl Beech's criminal injuries compensation claim alone. I'm not alone, even them that get paid for doing this are querying the fact that this man was given £22,000 of tax payer's money, basically for nothing ! Certainly nothing, in comparison to Karen McPhillip's ordeal !

A mother who cradled her dying son in her arms after he was fatally stabbed has criticised the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) for denying her a payout while giving £22,000 to convicted paedophile Carl Beech, aka the fantasist Nick.
Karen McPhillips has had to spend her own money appealing against the decision not to give her a payout on the grounds she was not sufficiently "emotionally involved" in her son Jonathon's death - despite accompanying him in the ambulance and switching off his life support machine. 

I do NOT know if Savile was named on Beech's claim. How would I ? I've never seen it ! Why haven't I seen it ? This is bothering me big time, because I want to know Wiltshire Police wrote in support of his application, and why ? You see, despite all the - in vogue at the time - believe the victim bull, Wiltshire police had spent hours and hours with Carl Beech, listening to him, watching his body language, probably a lot longer than anyone in Newcastle Crown Court. DS Lewis persevered in a thorough investigation for more than four months and found NO corroborating evidence. NONE ! 

So how did Beech manage to get £22,000 ? Here's the timeline

Always good to check how someone other than Mark Watts describes the same evidence, LIVE !

 Lewis told the court how Beech was reluctant to assist in the investigation of potentially living suspects, initially that is

And, apparently, Lewis made said in court that he had made no note of speaking about compensation during the closure meeting at the end of his investigation.

Mark Watts provides this by way of Lewis's first impressions of Beech as a witness as presented in evidence to the court, the same day

Give him his due DS Lewis followed all leads the best he could.

Now, let's just backtrack a little here in order to establish for exactly how long Beech had been considering claiming compensation, as I think this might help us understand why he didn't claim via the Savile scheme. You see, he could NOT apply for both but I'll come back to that later. 

From Jordan Milne 10th July

Beech takes to the witness box. Badenoch QC begins by looking at Beech’s claim for compensation.

Beech kept a document on his USB stick about reporting child abuse, within this was the CICA scheme. Beech says this was part of a support pack. He says he first became aware of the compensation scheme when his mother fostered children. He knew about it before Wiltshire police.
At first I thought the following said GPS as in ... but it's GP's as in doctor. He never supplied his GP's details in the form ? 

Beech did not enter his GPS details when asked, he says he doesn’t know why that was left off and that he subsequently gave it at a later date. He says he can’t “answer why it isn’t filled in here”.

He says he entered not attending his dentist - despite a broken tooth in other writings of his - he says because this was something he later recollected, not when he was filling in the form.
Obviously the court has access to his claim
In the box asking for injuries sustained, Beech doesn’t mention hospitalisation or fractures that he has previously said he sustained form the abuse. He says he was hospitalised while he was in Wilton and Kingston. He has not set this out in the “additional information”. 
He is finally paid in March 2015 after the Met Police appear to have followed it up for him.

14 March 2015 Beech signs a settlement form claiming £22,000 from the CICA. Badenoch QC says this was 15 months after Beech made his claim. He says between those two dates important things had happened. Beech says he had gone to the Met police in 2014.
 For clarity sake DS Chatfield is one of the two officers in charge of the raid on Harvey Proctor's home. He was also Beech's family or victim liason officer ! Just so you know.

 How the hell was he paid at all ? Here's some information about the Criminal Injuries Compensation Application scheme that Beech had been aware of since his mother began fostering kids !!!!

1) There are time limits for claiming. In reality he should NOT have got through just on this, depsite the special circumstances clause.

 He'll definitely fall at this one - on a balance of probabilities to have occurred - really ?
And then there's this useful piece I said I'd come back two. It seems that compensation payments have overlapping rules a bit like welfare benefits do. You can only claim ONE.

Oh and here's how one gets £22,000 in case you want to know

Serious internal injury or mental injury clinically diagnosed by a medically trained psychologist or Psychiatrist ... A counsellor or therapist won't do ! 
Was such evidence obtained ? 
I have no idea. Show me the form someone !
Did DS lewis really find Beech a credible witness in those few months he knew him ? 

And there's the evidence he supplied to the Yewtree hotline before they'd even met. Surely Beech is that ONE Wiltshire entry on the Yewtree graph. Note the discrepency in the number of years he'd claimed to have been abused by Savile to them by comparison to Lewis !

 And - following a Freedom of Information request, we now have even more detail about the Wiltshire One !
 Seven to fifteen ? Lewis did feed back to Operation Yewtree at the end of his investigations. 
Maybe we need to see the initial referral form ? Why the hell do we have to do all this ? 

So, now I want to know for sure if Wiltshire Police or anyone else subsequent to the closure of their investigation, supplied any supportive evidence for Beech's compensation claim. Don't you ? Because, any half-sensible person would only had to sit and listen for a few minutes to Carl Beech to know he is either lying or mad ! 

How on earth did they establish this ?

Even Vera Baird would struggle to believe 'Nick'. Or would she ? Here she is in Newcastle but not during his trial ! Well, it made me smile anyway !!

Next time - Tony Badenoch QC defends Jimmy Savile. Well, sort of !!!! 

Addendum 6th September 2019

Rather than doing another blog post, I thought I'd add the following to this one instead. I did come across this article during my research, but sometimes one gets overwhelmed by the amount of information one collects for subsequent use. Detective Lewis 'backed up his (Beech's) story on the basis of his performance during interviews ?

Beech had gone to Wiltshire police shortly before making his claim. The force took no further action. Even so, what officer in the current climate — when police are encouraged to believe ‘victims’ — would rule out that someone had been abused all those years ago, effectively branding them liars
So when CICA contacted the detective who had interviewed Beech, he backed up his story and said Beech had exhibited a ‘significant degree of psychological suffering’ when he spoke to him. The details emerged during Beech’s trial at Newcastle Crown Court, where he was convicted of fraud and perverting the course of justice on Monday.

Let me just play that sentence back, just in case I didn't emphasise it enough -

Even so, what officer in the current climate — when police are encouraged to believe ‘victims’ — would rule out that someone had been abused all those years ago, effectively branding them liars ?

Indeed !