
Wednesday 9 November 2022

Writing A Wrong Part 2

 I have several photographs from the house; of my room and my fateful door, just in case anyone thinks I'm making this up. I've covered up people's faces (including mine) to protect their privacy of course ! Here's a few of them.

From the moment I started commenting publicly on the Savile claims (circa 2012 - very soon after the programme was broadcast), I worried - was I doing the right thing ? What gave me the right to question whether some poor girl (now a middle-aged woman) had or hadn't been abused or assaulted by Sir Jimmy Savile ? And why was it any of my business anyway ? 

That night when I watched MW-T's Exposure - I think it was the second time because I recorded it; I found myself strangely drawn to Mr Savile. Prior to revelation that the man who'd died the year before, was actually - the biggest and worst sex offender in the history of - I'd not thought of the man in decades, I didn't even know he was dead. But, there I was, in my front room watching this thing, totally unaware that my life would never be the same.

You see, I had to know ! I had to know everything about the man. Why was I feeling the way I was and - more importantly, was anyone else feeling or thinking the same ? They were !

My obsessive nature meant my fate was sealed - I'd be scouring the internet for any sign of companionship and shared purpose. Every so often, strange coincidences started to occur ! Each one indicating that I was on the right track. I was doing the right thing, no matter where it led. No matter how much trouble it caused me personally (not much at all, really).

Five or six years later my interest in Jimmy Savile the man, had waned. I still believed that a great injustice had befallen not just  him and his loved ones, but the whole world, but now I was 'distracted'. Another man had 'come into my life' and that man was William F Buckley Jr. Again, the obsessive search for connection, for information. Thousands of pounds in signed books from America, a few trips to America and some very big 'coincidences' and I was 100 % convinced - whatever I was doing, I wasn't doing the wrong thing. Why ? Because of this :

 Buckley hosted a television programme in the United States for thirty-three years. In July 1982 a two-parter was recorded in a church in Charleston called 'The Economy And The Blacks' and you can watch it here.

Sometime around midnight let's say just after, on Wednesday 31st January 2018, I just happened to watch this episode of Firing Line. For some reason, it had to be this particular episode I watched ! Imagine my surprise/delight when I suddenly noticed what was behind/between Mr Buckley and Mr Jackson on that stage in that church !

My door ! 

And then I suddenly realised : This same church had been the scene of one of the most despicable acts of murder in recent years. In this same church Dylan Roof callously murdered nine people he'd just sat beside in a bible study meeting. 

I had to go there and I did. It was the right thing to do. Here I am in front of 'the wall', minus me of course, in May 2019.

Just getting into that lovely church was a story in itself. I'll tell you all about this and lots more in the book I'm writing. You see friends, I have no choice - I have to do this ! My future somehow visited my past, or something like that, in the summer of 1982. What else can I do but write about it. Write about wrongs. The wrongs that are still being visited on innocent people. Because it's about time, good people put a stop to the evil that some people do !

© Rabbitaway 

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