
Monday 8 July 2024

Lucy Letby

 So anyway, I've been sitting not-so-quietly, on the fence as to the Letby case, but today : I'm in !

Not a decision I've taken lightly. This is a very very complex and emotive case and quite honestly I could do without the bother. At least that is, I could, until I realised one FACT that demonstrates - beyond-a reasonable- doubt, that Ms Letby did NOT receive a fair trial/s as per the right of every citizen in this country.

Get your head around this :

Lucy Letby has been found guilty at the retrial of one of the counts a previous jury could not reach a verdict on. Okay, so what ? 

This !

Notice the date on this article - 24th May 2024 - before Letby's retrial for attempted murder ! For me this is the slam-dunk that demonstrates the unfairness with which this defendant has been subjected. 

Read that bit again : 

The full reasons for the judges' decision were not made public, with the full details of Letby's appeal bid also unable to be published for legal reasons.

The fact that a refusal to permit an appeal was made public, but NOT the reasons pertaining to that decision. What the actual f*** ?

A month before Letby's appeal request was refused Judith Moritz wrote the following article for the BBC.

JM is an important player in the Lucy Letby case. I think she attended every single day of BOTH trials live-tweeting and providing good coverage of the same - as per her role and the requirements of her employer ! 

Following the verdict of the retrial last week, Ms Moritz was finally able to reveal the contents of her notebook in regard to the appeal heard and rejected a few weeks before. 

Here's how she described what she and other reporters, had NOT to report in May 2024 ! 

What happened 'had to stay in our notebooks'. 

Read the next bit extra carefully.

'one couldn't help but wonder why this development hadn't been aired at the trial ?'. 

Indeed !

But let's stay with the reporting 'restrictions', rightly (in theory) imposed by the courts in order to protect due process, shall we ? Ms Moritz to her credit saw how well this played out in the real world !

Why oh why was the decision of the appeal request reported at all in May, a few weeks before the retrial, if the full reasons for that decision could not be ? All and sundry could now that Letby's appeal had been refused. Surely the new jury would or could be be aware of this ? Ms Moritz certainly kept her followers aware of the fact.

Letby's 'retrial' on the one count of attempted murder, began just a few weeks later.

'You will decide this case on the evidence placed before you and nothing else' said Justice Goss. I wasn't there so I don't know if/why he maybe had to say this twice, if he did that is ! 

Had the jury read the BBC's article of the 24th May about 'child serial killer Lucy Letby' being 'denied permission to appeal against her convictions' ? I have no idea.

Oh, and there's just one more thing - as if things weren't bad enough for Ms Letby : Slater and Gordon are one of at least TWO firms now handling civil compensation claims relating to the case.

Oh dear ! And the police are considering issuing new charges against this woman !

No, I am NOT doing this for another eleven years !

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